Parents, Injured Athletes, Coaches, Trainers, and Specialists specialists Click here to view my PowerPoint presentation to discover the amazing benefits Visi's AC2 Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein and Glutathione Optimizing Products provide for:
I recommend Visi's Nufinna and Probita to families of injured athletes, because not only has it helped me, it has also helped my son, Kenton, recover quicker from various injuries he has encountered while playing football and basketball. As the mom of an injured athlete, I truly appreciate how Visi's AC2 technology helps the body naturally heal the normally difficult-to-heal tendons and ligaments, as well as bone, muscle, and skin, while supporting his vital organs and cardiovascular system. Kenton fractured his hand during basketball. At his 10-day checkup, his orthopedic doctor was surprised Kenton had no point tenderness, no swelling, or pain. Nufinna also helped Kenton recover from a severely strained muscle in his lower abdomen quicker, so he did not miss any football games. Nufinna and Probita also allowed Kenton to heal from a severe ankle sprain late in his senior year of basketball, thereby allowing him to help his team win a second straight regional championship.
I'm so thankful to be able to help athletes and clients heal quicker from ill-timed injuries with the help of Visi's AC2 Technology. No other collagen protein product on the market compares with Nufinna and/or Probita!
Have questions or want to learn more about my services? I'm here to help! Don't hesitate to reach out to me for personalized guidance and support on your journey to optimal health and wellness. Contact me today to start your transformational journey.