Studies have shown that the body will start healing when as little as 2.5 grams of collagen amino acids are consumed.The correct amino acids are key!
If you are wanting to recover quicker from an injury or surgery, these amounts have been very effective for my clients, regardless of their age.
For the quickest major injury or surgery recovery, the body needs more, as the need is greater. I recommend taking between 20 and 24 grams per day. If someone is using Nufinna, that would be 2 servings per day. If someone is using Probita, that would be 5–6 chews/day If using a combo, use 1 serving of Nufinna and 3–4 Probita.
For those wanting to overcome a nagging injury, again, your body's needs are greater than someone who isn't dealing with pain. I recommend starting out at 20 -24 grams/day until you are pain-free. Once pain free, then reduce the amount in accordance to your activity level. With that in mind, if you are going to be stressing the chronically injured area, use more - if 2 Probita normally keeps you pain free - add another 1 or 2 - same with Nufinna - if 1/2 serving keeps you pain free - take a full serving or more.
I've had clients fully recover quicker from major injuries and surgeries by using as little as 2 Probita or 1 serving of Nufinna each day, so if price is an issue, know that you're going to heal faster than you would without the additional amino acids.
If you're an athlete wanting to get back in the game quicker, the 20–24 grams per day have been very successful in getting the job done.
For those wanting to prevent injury reoccurrence, such as pitchers, quarterbacks, volleyball players, or any athlete where repetitive motion injuries are a problem, I recommend the following:
The key is to listen to your body; don't shortchange the amount you provide for yourself.
If you're my client, I'm only a text away if you need anything or have any questions. I've had 8 years' experience helping clients heal significantly quicker, so know you're not alone on your injury recovery journey.
Have questions or want to learn more about my services? I'm here to help! Don't hesitate to reach out to me for personalized guidance and support on your journey to optimal health and wellness. Contact me today to start your transformational journey.